Monday, March 22, 2010


Since today's quilt meeting was cancelled because it is a training holiday, I thought I might spend it working on the dahlia quilt. But then I got the chance to show Julia (newly arrived in Korea) my favorite vendors in Dongdaemun. Chris picked me up at my gate and dropped me off at Gate 19, where I descended into the subway. I waited until Julia's train came by, then got on with her. We went to Dongdaemun, saw some of the other quilt ladies from post, and had a great time looking at all the fabric, craft, and bead stuff. I did buy fabric (with the won I got from Chris on the way over) and Julia got a foam rubber pad for her mattress. Then we took the subway to her place. By then it was raining hard. I got to see her apartment (which is smaller than my bedroom), and her cat. Finally we got tired of waiting for the rain to quit, so we went to the nearest outdoor market. By then it was snowing. I just couldn't believe it. We looked at all kinds of veggies and sealife. We even went to a little kitchewares, etc store, where I got a glass pitcher for less than $3. She got a bunch of things for her apartment. We stopped on the way back for kimchi, veggies, and dried squid. By then I was feeling a bit frozen. So while she went home, I went to the subway and back to post. I called Chris to pick me up after work (which it was by the time I got there) and we went home together. He changed clothes and went back for an awards ceremony (and pizza). I stayed home and had bison and kimchi and squid. I decided to make sure we get warmer weather from now on by putting the lining back into my coat. Then I cleared out some e-mail until Michele came home. When Chris got home, he put a new cartridge in my printer (which had run out completely). Then I cut another set of petals for my dahlia, and ruminated on what should be the next fabric. But my stomach was bothering me so I laid down for awhile. But I couldn't sleep without posting to my blog first.

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