Saturday, March 27, 2010

Practicing my longarm skills

I got up about 9 and needed to be at the AnC center by 10 to help Toniette with her quilt. So I had to hustle to get showered, dressed and fed. I also whipped up a quilt backing and grabbed my floral top. I was a little late, but she had stopped by the Chosun to shop so she never knew. I cleaned the longarm and oiled it. When she got back, we tried to pull up her saved project from last time, but only the borders were saved. So she decided that she would rather have Cathy help her so she can quilt this one exactly the same as the first one. That meant that I could get mine on right away, and she stayed to help me do that. We also rolled the big batting onto the bar under the longarm (moving the cpu out of the way). It made it much easier for us to use it. Cathy stopped by just after 1. When my quilt was finished, we went to her house to see some fabric she got. She is in love with Kaffe Fasset, but I do not have fabric envy on that score. She had to be back at the SPC by 3, so after she left, I went back to the AnC center to pay for the batting and thread I used. That's when I found out that the reason the AnC staff didn't put the roll of batting there was because their quilt teacher perferred it to sit across several chairs. How is that easier than pulling it off the roll? Oh well, I'll tell them Toniette did it. Then I went to the PX to buy another camera. The pic here is the last one from the previous one. This year's model was cheaper - only $145. The great thing is that I can use the same batteries, cable, memory card, and software as the old one. And I already know how to use it. Also, the guy at the camera counter took the old one and even though I don't have a receipt, he thinks Canon might fix for me under the one year warranty. I also bought a scissor sharpener. I stopped by Four Seasons and got some tomato seeds and seed starters. It was almost 5 by the time I got home. Chris had bean soup on the stove. It was good, and when I put some kimchi juice in it, even better. I trimmed my quilt, and cut the binding strips. I did a little bit of work on the dahlia quilt. And now it is time to blog and go to bed.
I learned from the internet that celery juice has no calories but is supposed to give you energy. And that rhubarb is a colon cleanser.

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