Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday

We got to church just in time to join the procession with palm fronds (Yes, Chris, technically they were cycads, not palms). They handed Chris a line to read in the service. It was for the centurion. After church we had the usual snacks. Then we stopped by the AnC center to pick up the batting I left there yesterday. Next stop was the commissary. I bought celery to try the juice. Michele left before church to go to college to work on a project. She still wasn't home when we got back with the groceries. Chris put some pork, cabbage and onions in the crock pot. We drove to gate 19 and walked to E-Mart. We bought a tea ball, kimchi, eggs and seaweed. I wanted to color the eggs, but they were all brown ones. Back home, I checked e-mail briefly then worked on the dahlia quilt while watching TV. Michele came home in time for supper. She had finished her project which was to make a movie that didn't need words. She said she was the star, showing how to buy stuff in a convenience store. We had the pork, rice, asparagus and rice pudding for dessert.
I did not take any pictures today, but here is one I took yesterday, trying out the new camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a list of self help books with #1 being (IMHO) the best.

#1-The Magic of Believing--Claude Bristol

#2-How to Win Friends and Influence People--Dale Carnegie

#3- Creative Visualization-- Shakti Gawain

#4-Think and Grow Rich--Napolean Hill