Sunday, June 20, 2010

Church Picnic

I dressed for church while Chris dressed for the church picnic. He drove us to the picnic site and took charge there, while I drove to church. The sermon was about fathers, demons and pigs. Afterwards, I helped Tia count the offering, which is usually Chris' job. She is PCSing soon, so I guess Chris inherits her job. We talked for a bit afterwards, then went to the picnic. It was already in full progress. Chris had cooked hotdogs, hamburgers, and steaks. Everyone was seated and eating. I got a plate of food and joined Chris. Eventually it broke up and people took food home. Not much of our underdone carrot cake was eaten, and we also came home with a plate of kimbap. We stopped by the commissary for groceries and proceeded home. It was too late in the day to go to E-Mart because that is a madhouse in the afternoon. We watched more of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I tried to read a book, but it failed to keep my attention. I took some time to cut up the leftover salad veggies from a week ago and put them in kimchi juice. Finally I retired to the computer. One site was having massive free downloads, and I collected a few pdf's and mp3's. I hope they are not just veiled advertising. I deleted a bunch of old e-mails, and added a few things to my to-do list. I researched ACCESS Consciousness, which turns out to be some sort of negative energy releaser (accomplished by holding certain points on the head). It costs money to get the whole story. At one point, a voice inside told me to take out the recyclables. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do, so I did. I had been fighting an imminent download that would require the restart of my computer all afternoon. I thought that putting the computer in hibernate mode would hold it at bay for awhile, (it has in the past), but it restarted when I took a break.

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