Thursday, June 24, 2010

Purse class and pincushions

While clearing e-mail this morning I got a skype call from Keith. It was nice to hear from him again. All too soon it was time to go to the thrift shop. There I found all the movies and Cd's that I didn't have time for on Tuesday. There still wasn't room on the shelves, so I collected a bunch of unpopular stuff and put it in a bag for charity. We had two CD cases donated that had a bunch of CD's in them. There was no good way to package each one for sale, so I put them in the 'free to volunteers' box and priced the holders. At lunch time, I pulled out my seaweed, squid, and mixed nuts. I got the usual ribbing for my choice of food. I asked the Korean ladies about MSG and they said most kimchi had it. At two I left for home because I had a student scheduled for 2:30. Well, she was early. In fact she and her mother caught up with me crossing the pedestrian bridge. So much for cleaning up before the lesson. We worked on making a sling purse, and I sent some of it home with her to work on. Then I got back on my computer and ate blueberries. I had to stop and make myself get ready for class. I also had some leftovers and a glass of fiber. Then I went to class thinking that I was missing something. Indeed I was - the keys to the storage closet! Luckily there was someone in the office to get the spare keys. I started setting up for class. Then Melanie came with her husband who helped us set up tables. She had done a fabulous job of typing up instructions to the purse pattern that the Happy Quilt man gave out. It was barely labeled, and in Korean, but she had done up an impressive power point document, with pieces for two sizes! Everyone was eager to make it. They traced and they fused and they cut. We didn't get to the sewing, but will next week. Melanie's mom made pincushions for 10, and sent them to her to give out in class. Kinjal was there, and brought me the Castin Craft she had picked up. We got out on time, and Chris picked me up inside the gate. At home, I got back on the internet, watched a quilting video from TQS, then took a break before writing my blog, and posting pics for this and previous posts.

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