Monday, June 14, 2010

Dogs, quilting, dogs, mail, dogs, skillet research, dogs

I got up with Chris to make his sandwich, then went back to bed for a little while. At 7:30 I got on the computer to keep me awake so I would be ready at 8 to take the dogs out. My friend Keith (whom I have known since college) Skyped me for awhile. Then Michele and I took the dogs for their early morning potty break. I made myself breakfast then realized that it was time for their breakfast too. Hannah came over in a taxi to take them to the vet. I helped her carry the dogs in their cages. Then I took a shower, dressed, grabbed food and whatever was in the Monday box, and headed out. I made it to the SPC a little before 9:30 and thought I was early, but Cathy was already there. But I had the keys:) We started setting up, and slowly others trickled in. We had quite a few stop by although not so many stayed long. Nothing unusual. Lately we have been using a cute printed baby fabric that doesn't need cutting and piecing to be a quilt top. Therefore, construction went very quickly. We finished 7 and are almost finished with a bunch more. We stopped for lunch. The kimchi I brought went better than before. I meant to bring cheese,too but couldn't find it in the fridge. I did bring myself a hand-boiled egg. After lunch we did a little more sewing then packed up. We said "Goodbye" to those who are moving back to the states within the week. Very sad.
I meant to be home by two to walk the dogs. Hannah had returned them after their appointment. Michele helped me walk the dogs, then she went off to one of her finals. I cleared some more on the computer, then laid on the futon and fell asleep listening to an affirmation track. I did not hear Chris come home, but discovered that the computer chair had mail on it: evidence of Chris. One of my items was a package of crystals for making orgonite. Chris cooked supper for us, and we ate. Later Michele came home and had some chicken and rice too. We were objects of rapt attention for the dogs as we ate. When I was finished, I let my hands hang down. The dogs licked my fingers clean (clean being a relative term). We put out their supper but they were not interested. Then they were largely ignored as we each sat at our computers. I had selected an Emeril Saute pan, and had Chris pick the size he wanted. Before ordering it, I did a websearch and found that many people had bad experiences with the aluminum core melting and the glass lid exploding. Hmmm. Yet other people swear by it. So back to the drawingboard. It was almost 11 when I noticed it was past time to take the dogs out. Chris had gone to bed, so Michele and I handled it. This time we did not meet the unattended Taco Bell dog that drove them crazy last night. Phew!
**In case you are tired of looking at the dogs, here is a pic of Chris at work**

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