Sunday, June 27, 2010

Providence at E-Mart

Unfortunately we got up too late to get to church and it put the rest of the day off schedule. Around 1 we went to E-Mart for kimchi. I had my note, written by Ms. Yi in Korean, that asked if MSG was in it. I showed it to the clerk, and she replied in several sentences. I was hoping for a yes or no answer. So I tried again, but she still did not say yes or no. I bought it anyway since Chris was there and I thought he might be upset if we came all that way and didn't get anything. But I figure if the answer isn't a straight no, it is some form of yes. So I will investigate making some form of it myself in the future. Then Chris asked me if there was anything else I wanted. Well, natto came to mind, but I didn't know where to look for it. I had a label someone had given me but I couldn't find it. As I was looking in my purse however, I heard someone say 'natto'. Out of all the Korean spoken all around me, I heard that! So I asked the nearest lady who was handing out samples, and she handed me a package of it. The providence of it blew me away. How cool is that? I guess God wants me to have natto. (Maybe I should have asked her if it had MSG?)
Anyway, we walked back to post, and Chris dropped me off at the hair salon. I had to wait half an hour, but that was ok because I had a book to read. Then, as she was cutting my hair, I told her about my experience at E-Mart. She said she makes her own kimchi, and no MSG. So I asked about sugar. She said no sugar, she uses Nutrasweet! I definitely have to make my own if I want healthy ingredients.
From there I walked around, ran into Tina for a chat, walked through the gallery, into the DHL, and then on to the theatre. I was thinking of stopping at Cathy's apt because she wanted to rewrite our constitution, but I knew Chris and Michele were going to see Toy Story at 4:30 and it was 4pm. Tough decision, but the movie won. Toy Story 3 was good, totally engaging, and had a strong story line. Afterwards we stopped by Pizza Hut to order pizza (because Michele requested it). We took it home and they ate that, while I ate leftovers from yesterday. They put on Princess Bride, while I went into my sewing room to cut squares and fat quarters. Finally it is time to blog and go to bed.
**Pic is from bookstore in the mall with E-Mart**

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