Monday, June 7, 2010


Chris got up early to go to work for a short time. He returned home just before I had to leave for our quilt social. We were supposed to bring food, which is annoying to me because I am a quilter, not a cook. But I had a bunch of hardboiled eggs in the fridge and my m-i-l helped me peel some of them and make deviled eggs. They were hard to peel and some were too messed up to use. But finally I had a plate full and left the apt for post. I drove to Cathy's apt. Just a few of us showed up at first so we sat and talked. But more and more came. We ate and had show-and-tell, then had the final reveal of the secret sister program. Several people had already guessed who had their name. Others were completely surprised. We had a short passing of the mantle ceremony for officers. I am now officially only VICE-president. Hurray!
Around 3:15 the three remaining ladies (including me) drove to the DHL for Cathi's husbands retirement ceremony. It was mercifully short, and we got in the receiving line, shook hands, etc. Then I drove Toniette and her daughter home. We spent some time talking in case I never see her again. She flies out on Monday.
So then I went home, and cleared some e-mail before supper. Michele was having a late day so missed supper. We talked for some time afterwards and I showed off my latest quilts, until Cecily went to bed. Even then we stayed up talking until Michele finally came home, around 11. But now she has had her shower and is ready to kick me out so she can sleep.

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