Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A New Experience

I got up before 8 to take my pre-breakfast supplements, and then Michele and I took the dogs for a walk. We put food in their bowls, and fresh water. Then we could have our own breakfast. I cleared e-mail and took a shower. Hannah came over to bathe her dogs. Then she invited Michele and I to lunch - after paying me for keeping the dogs! So we picked up the cages, and walked the dogs over the pedestrian bridge to post. We took my car to the DHL where Hannah could sign them in for one night (they fly out tomorrow). But they had to stay in their cages in the loading dock. Then we met at Greenstreet for lunch. Turns out there were 7 of us as a few other ladies showed up. Hannah paid for everyone. After lunch (and goodbyes), Cathy, Annette and I walked to the SPC to get some fabric for a binding for Cathy. She and Annette went one way, and I went home. I got back on the internet, looking at skillets again. Still unable to choose because for every one that comes highly recommended, several people have had bad experiences with it. I meant to wash the floors and clean up the kitchen, but took a moment to read a few pages in the book I got at the thrift shop, and before I knew it, was asleep. I awoke about 6:30, when Chris got home. I had been promising myself for awhile that I would attend a Wednesday night EFT session in Itaewon. For one reason or another I had never done it. And now I knew I would be late if I went. But I decided to go, even if I didn't go in, and only timed how long it took to walk there. After 35 minutes of walking, I arrived and decided that I was going in even though I was half an hour late. Turns out that no one had shown up, and the leader was sitting by himself reading. So we had a good session, discussing EFT and other therapies, and clearing some issues. Another lady stopped by later. Around 9:30, we wrapped it up, and he showed me where to catch a bus that dropped me off right by my apartment. It went a different way than I was used to and I was excited to learn another way to go, but it turned out to be longer. Still, it took about half the time of walking. Chris was waiting up, but soon went to bed. Now I alone am left to tell the tale (and post pictures).

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