Monday, June 28, 2010

Greater Love hath no man...

...than that he cleans and cooks a squid for his wife. But that comes later. First thing this morning, I made Chris a sandwich then went back to bed for awhile. Later I got up, showered, dressed, skimmed e-mail while having breakfast, grabbed what I needed for quilting and headed out the door. I got in my car and drove to Gate 17. Julia called to say she was almost at the station. That is when I realized that I had forgotten all about her baby quilt stuff. So I called Michele and asked her to bring it to our gate. I got Julia signed on, and drove us back to Gate 37 to pick up her stuff. Then we proceeded to the chapel. Half of our room was full of chairs which we had to clear away to put up tables. Then we set out machines, etc. I did not get much done on charity baby quilts because I was helping Julia do her baby quilts. Judy got hungry early so we had lunch and sat around talking. She brought me pickled eggs. They were very good. Then we went back to work, 'till after two. After packing up, our little crowd broke up. I took Julia to the thrift shop which was about to close. She got some magazines. Then I parked at Gate 17 to sign her out. While we were in there, a big truck parked me in. I ran to stop him before he could get out of his truck and almost forgot to show my ID to the guard. Luckily I did catch the guy, who then let me drive off before he parked his truck for good. I went home and checked e-mail, and snacked. I started a loaf of bread. I laid down to meditate a little when Chris came home with packages. It was my ferrite beads, sprouting bag and seeds, and cast iron casserole cooker. I read the instructions for sprouting seeds and got them started. Then Chris heard the veggie man's broadcast. So I ran down to see what he had. It was a lady this time, and in addition to veggies, she had squid. So I called Chris to see if he would cook it for me. Not only did he say yes, but he had a fry pan ready when I got back with said squid. He cleaned it, cut it up with garlic and onions and pan-fried it. I ate it with a little lemon juice. Mmmm. Michele had absolutely no interest. We watched Three Days of the Condor. Then while they went to bed, I returned to my computer to make one last check, and record the events of the day.

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