Friday, January 7, 2011


I got up soon after the alarm went off, with visions of binding my quilt dancing in my head. I did the chi goong routine again, and push-ups, and had breakfast with my computer. I had just had all the computer I could stand, and was in my sewing room stitching down some elastic on a pair of pants I intended to wear, when Faye Skyped Michele. When I was dressed, I came out and participated in the conversation. Then we took the conversation to my computer so Michele could have hers back. Kevin was there, too. After that was over, I went back to my sewing room. I folded the backing under, and trimmed the batting of the quilt to 3/4 inch. Unfortunately, part of the backing got caught under the batting and I sliced into it. So I had to stitchwitch it to another piece and satin stitch too. Then I folded the backing to the front and topstitched it down. It is not elegant, but it is finished. It did not occur to me that the flannel would pick up every stray thread and dot of lint. But it does:( Michele hooked up her new flashing speakers for me to see. Interesting.
Then I spent several hours cutting little strips for the rug class next Thursday. Chris came home and we spent some time just talking and cuddling. Then he made supper - cabbage soup. The broth is a little too spicy. Had to dilute it with frozen peppers. While eating supper we watched 4 episodes of MacGyver. Then I cut more strips, wanting to be sure I have enough for next week, and for people to take them home to finish their projects.

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