Thursday, January 20, 2011

A good day to make a snowman

After posting to my blog last night, I went to bed with a good book. And I finished it. But the ending really upset me. "It's not fair, this isn't the kind of story where people die!" Imagine you were watching the saga of Gilligan's Island. And near the end the professor was following the path of some new star, and he determined that when the star was directly overhead that they would be rescued. And then Darth Vader shows up and kills the professor and Gilligan, and Poseidon rises up and kills Darth Vader. What kind of ending is that? Wouldn't you be upset, too?
Chris' alarm went off at 4:30am. I decided not to get up with him. At some point I fell back asleep and didn't get up until after 8 when I realized that my alarm didn't go off. I left myself some sewing to do, but 'till I did my exercises, had breakfast, skimmed my e-mail and cleaned up my sewing room, there wasn't time. I grabbed my stuff for the night class and headed to the thrift shop. It felt colder than it was. There weren't many books, so I counted puzzle pieces and rearranged stuff. Some one donated a whole series of Hornblower-like books. So I took the first one to read to see if I like it. Ella was tired so she closed up early. That meant that I had to wait in the car for my student. Then we went to my apartment. She had given up on the idea of a king-size quilt, and brought fabric to make an apron for her mother's birthday. So that is what we did. After she left, I got on my computer for just a moment and then Kevin skyped me. He told me how my parents were doing, which was good to hear. Then I had to get ready for class. I put 4 mats in a mat box (because 4 people agreed to pay and pick up a mat tonight at class). I was glad I had carried the rest of the stuff to the car earlier. When I got to the SPC, SaraBeth was there setting up tables. Mary arrived soon after with her snowman class materials. A fair amount of other ladies arrived, but not everyone who signed up for the class. All four people who wanted mats came. The class went well, although no one was able to finish. We will finish in two weeks because Mary and I will be on our way back from Japan next week at this time. We put out bags of scraps for people to use and I grabbed a few to cut charm squares out of. Then we packed up and went home. It was even colder. I had to park in a narrow space in the deck and then rushed up to my warm apartment. As soon as I finish this blog, I plan to go to bed with my new book. It had better have a better ending than the last one.

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