Sunday, January 23, 2011


It was late when I fell asleep last night. I read longer than I intended, waiting for the gaming chatter to die down. Then I finished the book and went to sleep. We awoke in time for church but still didn't make it. I fixed breakfast and cleared out my e-mail. One of them was from my brother which was a math problem. But math is not the problem, it is the solution. And this solution involved calculus. I haven't done calc in years, so it took awhile, and some googling. Hours later I e-mailed him my solution. My friend Jill in Austrailia sent me a site that allows you to print any size triangle paper. What a help that is! Before I got off the computer, I printed out my e-ticket for the plane. I fixed Chris a sandwich for tomorrow and started another loaf of bread for the rest of the week. Then I started making a list of all the things I wanted to take to Japan. When I thought the list was complete, I started assembling the items. Some needed repair or alteration, the batteries needed charging, etc. I didn't finish until supper time. Chris cooked roast pork and veggies.
Did I mention the snow? It snowed almost all day. Might even be snowing now. Chris got a call that the base is opening two hours late tomorrow. Mary's husband was going to drive us to the airport in the morning, but decided that it wasn't safe. So we are going to check in the morning to see if the DHL buses are running. If not, we will take a train to the airport. We ARE going to Japan! The bad news is that I won't be posting again until I get back. My condolences to those whose morning routines will be upset by not having my post to read. However, I think the hotel charges by the minute for internet access. I will record my experiences the old fashioned way - with pencil and paper. Then I can post them when I get back.
Here is a pic from the December quilt show in Seoul. When I get back, I will post pics from the Tokyo quilt show.

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