Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pillowcase class

I stayed in bed past the alarm, but only by 15 minutes or so. I did the chi goong exercise that I used to do before we moved here. I found it written on two sheets of paper. I did it in front of the HappyLight. Then I had breakfast and cleared some e-mail. I listened to a tapping audio. That made me a little late. I quickly took a shower, swallowed my vitamins, started a loaf of bread, and grabbed two bags of recyclables. I was half an hour late to the thrift shop. There were very few books, so after I shelved them, I started counting puzzle pieces. All the puzzles were 1000+ pieces. I like counting, but... I did four puzzles, and then someone dropped off two bags of videos. So I worked on that until 3. I came home, braving the icy parking lot. I had something to eat, but not cheese. An audio I listened to yesterday said not to eat dairy for a day and see if you feel better. So I am trying it. I love cheese, so one day will be long enough. Then I sorted through my fabrics for class tonight. I was going to bring them all, but it was very heavy. Then Chris came home. He offered to drive me to post, so that worked out well. I took my car to the SPC, and started setting up for class. As other people arrived, they helped. It was a small class, but they participated eagerly. When it was over, I braved the cold to come home. I got on my computer to clear out e-mail, and then got off. I whispered in Chris' ear, then made his sandwich and was going to bed when I realized that I had forgotten to post. I had better get back there before he falls asleep.

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