Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Luncheon day - without the lunch

I made the sandwich last night, but forgot to put it in the fridge, so he didn't find it and left without it. I got up a little after the alarm went off, did my chi goong exercises and had breakfast with the computer. I have been unsubscribing to one thing a day and it is effective in shortning my inbox. I did not dress up like I usually would for the luncheon because I did not sign up for this one. The menu wasn't exciting, and the program featured a cooking demonstration. So I just went for the fabric. Julia wanted to go to Dongdaemun afterward so I packed her stuff in a box tto take along. I also grabbed the sandwich. I went to the DHL, and started going through the fabric. Poor Maryann came over and was disappointed that I wouldn't be sitting through the luncheon with her. But we had a good chat about her guests, and extended family. I picked out 23 packets of fabric. Mr. Kang told us we could have 20 packets for free for the group. So Cathy picked out what looked good for QOV and baby quilts. There weren't 20, but she added some of her own and will buy that equivalent in Dongdaemun. The luncheon had already started when we finished up. I went to the bank to deposit a check, then drove to Chris' office to deliver the sandwich. But by then his officemate had invited him to lunch. I should have told him he could go, but had to eat the sandwich anyway. Then I went home, toting my large fabric purchase. I had lunch and then Julia called. We agreed to meet at exit 9 of D. I drove to gate 17 and was shocked to find the nearest exit was closed for construction. I had to walk to exit 1 to access the subway. Coincidentally we arrived at D at the same time. We must have been on the same train but in different cars. We went to the food court. Julia sat and ate while we talked. I brought out her box of stuff, only to find it had rulers in it. I couldn't figure that out because I remember packing it. I felt like pounding my head against a wall. Then we went to the fifth floor. She bought beads and baby fabric. I got yardage for quilt backings. Then we went to the minki stand. We both got a piece. That is when she admitted that she didn't know if the sewing machine I gave her worked. (She had plugged it into the wrong voltage outlet.) What is she going to do with all the fabric if it doesn't?
We got back on the subway. She switched to another line at the next stop. I went back to Ichon, and put the box in my trunk. That is when I saw an identical box in an identical bag. Her stuff. Arrrgh! Well, at least I know what went wrong. It was snowing, and made the trees look beautiful. As I walked over the pedestrian bridge, I could see traces of it everywhere and I walked slowly to savor the sight. When I got home, I wanted to wash my fabrics, but it was too late in the day. I had some leftovers, and got on my computer. Chris came home and wanted to talk about plans for a vacation in February. We decided to go to the Philippines. Then we watched 4 episodes of MacGvyer. I enjoyed wrapping myself in my new quilt. I nearly fell asleep and decided to post so I could go to bed. I read in an article about a man that turned off all his lights at sunset and went to bed early. He started experiencing periods of extreme happiness for no reason. Sounds good to me.
* Here is a quilt from the quilt show. It was hung high because it is huge. *

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