Saturday, January 15, 2011


Having read that going to bed early has all sorts of wonderful benefits, I am trying it out. I went to bed just after 8. I read for an hour, then turned out the light. I listened to a hypnotic CD which put me to sleep. Unfortunately at the end, there is a 'come out of it' suggestion which woke me up. It was a while before I got back to sleep. Then I woke again in the middle of the night. When I got back to sleep, I slept until after 9. I am starting to wonder if it is worth it.
I had breakfast with the computer briefly going through e-mail and unsubscribing to one source. Then I inhabited my sewing room for most of the rest of the day. I cut a ton of scraps for rugs, drastically reducing my scrap pile. I just hope they will get used. I am NOT sewing them back together. I also cut a few more charm squares. I now have 15 panels, which equals 1200 squares. Still, it will take a few more to make the kingsize quilt I have in mind. In addition I made a quilted sample to try out some wool batting I bought in Dongdaemun. I love the feel of it, now to finish it off so I can try washing it. In between these activites I sorted my piles of strips into thin and fat, so I will be ready to give a strip-quilting class.
Yesterday I forgot to mention the niacin flush. It looked and felt exactly like a sunburn, but did not hurt to touch. Today my reaction was very mild. But later I had a similar reaction but it must have been to something else. It was strong, but not so uncomfortable. It, too faded. Have I mentioned that this is a detox procedure? The niacin opens the capillaries and drinking extra water flushes the toxins out. I am thinking that one week a month of this will be plenty.
* One more quilt from the show *

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