Monday, January 10, 2011


I made Chris' sandwich last night and put it in the fridge. So I was able to sleep in until after the alarm went off. But there was no time to dawdle. I prepared breakfast, and ate it in front of the computer. Then I showered, and packed food to bring. I grabbed the new quilt off my bed and put it in a bag with the block and some other things to bring to quilting. Dressing warmly took a bit of doing. I wanted to wear fuzzy socks but they would be too warm at the SPC. So I wore regular socks, with tennis socks inside. I also wore my warmest coat and two pairs of gloves, and two scarves. When I got to my car, it was covered in frost. So I scraped it off with the door molding that won't go back on. I was a few minutes late to the SPc. Mary was there setting up tables. It was just the two of us for sometime. Then Cathy came, and Judy and Sue, and Helle, and Ana. Some worked on baby quilts. Cathy, Mary and I worked on QOV. I took all the extra bits and made rug scraps for Thursday. We broke for lunch. It was all healthy stuff this week - except for the crackers. After lunch I got my ten QOV blocks sewn and pressed. As we packed up, Cathy had the brilliant idea of locking up the keys. It was brilliant because we only have one set of keys. But she had one lock with two keys. So now the keys are locked in our storage room, and she and I each have one key to that cabinet. I went home and unpacked the remnants of my food. Michele was writing a story for an anthology. Chris had come home at lunch time to put a roast in the oven. I got on my computer to clear e-mail, and send messages. I was hoping that when Chris came home he would have the latest Swanson's or Joann's order, but he didn't. He fixed rice and asparagus to go with the roast. We watched the Netflix version of Sinbad. The animation was simplistic by today's standards, but took incredible amounts of time and effort back then. Finally I retired to my computer to blog and listen to one last audio.
* This is a pic from the quilt show *

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