Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Chris got up extra early this morning, but I slept through it. When I did wake up, it was 6:30, and I fell back asleep until 8. I did a little sewing, checked the internet, did some exercises, had breakfast and went back to e-mail because the anti-virus program had finished. I was going to go to Dongdaemun with Cathy, but she still didn't feel well, and it was easier to stay home and cut. I went through my scrap strips, sorting them into piles by what project they are good for. Those that weren't an even width I trimmed. I cut several pillowcase kits because someone may ask for one on Thursday night. Then I found myself sorting all those fabric pieces by size and trimming any that weren't an even width. Finally I took all those 6 inch ends of baby quilt fabric and started sewing them together. I have 4 long panels of that. I left some unsewn so I will have something to look forward to in the morning. I hope it looks good, otherwise I have just wasted a lot of time and thread.
When Chris came home, he brought a box of cutting mats and my Swansons order. The quilting group has been eagerly awaiting those mats, so I immediately put out an announcement to see who wants one. I have 4 replies already.
I am looking forward to reading my book and then turning in for the night. It is an interesting book about dragon, called "Fire Star".

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