Monday, January 3, 2011

First quilt meeting of 2011

AFter being up till midnight last night (Chris and Michele were playing a loud computer game), I didn't feel like getting up this morning to fix the sandwich. Not that it was broken. Ha, ha. But I did make it, then set the alarm for 8. Tried to go back to sleep, but gave that up at 7:30. I read by my HappyLight until the alarm went off. I stopped at the part in the book where it lists physical ailments and the emotions that cause them. It says crown baldness is caused by feelings of worthlessness.
I ate breakfast with my computer, took a shower, prepared a container of cheese for lunch. I grabbed my Christmas quilt for show-and-tell. I headed out to my car. At first I thought it was dirty, but it was covered with a thin sheet of frost. It was beautiful close up. But then I had to scrape it off the windows so I could drive. I was on time, but Cathy was earlier. She brought in a quilt to show, too. Several ladies worked on baby quilts at home, so we made quite a bunch today - 13! We also cut battings for a pile more, and made up 6 more kits. This will give us more time to work on QOV this month. Mary and Judy went to check on arrangements for our trip to the Tokyo Quilt Show later this month. They were able to get flights and hotel reservations. I am so excited to be going!
I think it was around 3 when I got home. I bypassed my computer and went straight to my sewing room (as per my new year's resolution). I was going to make one more quilt block for a donation quilt, but in looking for those scraps, I came across the squares I cut for another quilt. So I put them together. I was doing that when Chris came home bringing the box with Faye's gifts in it. It had had a hard time, like it lost a fight with another box. But I think the contents were intact. They aren't now, since we took them out to exclaim over. Thanks, Faye.
Michele put in another MacGyver episode, but half way through I discovered that I was watching alone. They were playing a computer game in another room. So I went back to finish my quilt top. I also pieced the backing, and then realized that there is room for a border. I laid down to think about it, and nearly fell asleep. Guess I will think about it tomorrow.
* This is Cathy's quilt. The design is the Bethlehem scene. *

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