Saturday, October 8, 2011

Can't believe it's finally open

The blocks that I sashed yesterday got trimmed today and sewn together. I auditioned backings and bnidings. When I finally had the complete set (top, backing, batting), I asked Chris to drive me to post. It was after lunch. He and Michele played with the voices all morning. As he got ready to go, I pulled out another set of blocks waiting to be a quilt. There were only six, and they were in a bag with matching fabric so I cut another set. It starts with 18 inch blocks, maybe 18.5. Anyway, I ironed, cut and stacked the blocks. Then he was ready so we went. He dropped me off at my car. I drove to the AnC center. Hardly anyone was there. I heard the staff went to the Fall Festival. So no one bothered me as I made use of the Statler. Since all my blocks are different, I spent quite a bit of time picking out block designs. Especially hard was the folded flower block (upper left corner). Finally decided to just sew an X across it. The first line I sewed by guiding the hopping foot along my finger. But it wasn't straight enough. Then I realized that I could do regulated stitching at a 45 degree angle. That worked fine. Sadly the placed closes at 7. But the man left early, telling me to turn off the lights when I left. I was very tempted to stay later. But I shut down the computer with plans to come back tomorrow and finish. My next puzzler is how to quilt the sunbonnet Sue and Sam blocks. Chris was going to come get me, but the traffic was too congested. He suggested that I walk home, and I suggested that he bring me a jacket. Well, guess what? The new automatic gate was open. So walking home couldn't have been easier. Of course they get it working just before we move. It makes getting to post on nights and weekends as easy as getting there during normal working hours. Chris baked fish for supper. After we ate, I glanced at my e-mail and then returned to my 18 inch blocks. I made five cuts in roughly a star shape. I rearranged the resulting piles, and started sewing the mixed-up pieces back together. I am almost finished but it is time for bed now.

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