Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our 21st anniversary

Chris woke me by ... and whispering "Happy Anniversary" in my ear. I had forgotten about it in all the stress about being photographed. I got up to clean house. I did not have to be at the South Post Visitor Center until 10:30 so there was time to wash the kitchen floor, and improve the coffee table. I should have worked on the head of the bed. I hadn't figured on him taking pictures in the bedroom. I arrived before 10:30 and watched for him. He arrived right on time. I signed him in, and drove him to the thrift shop. There was a lady from the PAO waiting to shadow the photographer. I shelved books while he took pictures. But when the books were finished, I started on puzzles, and he did not photograph that. He just stayed in the bookroom. The lady was replaced by a man from the PAO and after awhile, he offered to take the photographer back to the gate. But only I could sign him out, so I took him there and then went back to the thrift shop. I finished about 2 and went home, stopping at the commissary for fresh veggies. I got home about 2:20. The PAO man called to offer to sign the photographer in for the sewing class so that if the photographer wanted to leave early, he could. That was fine with me. Because the photographer might come while I was eating lunch, I used a plate and sat at the table instead of the computer. The photographer arrived at 2:30 and I wasn't finished. But he waited until lunch was over, and then he took pictures while I made a batch of communion bread. While it was baking, I juiced up the vegetables and made veggie pops. He did not seem attracted to the idea. I showed him the king-size charm quilt on my bed, and the prizewinning quilt on the wall. He took pictures while I washed up the juicer and mixer. Then he wanted to shoot me sitting on the bed. After that, he took pics of me sewing and ironing. I showed him my fabric stash, and that too was deemed photoworthy. Then he took a few pics of the quilts I had stored. He invited me to pick only a few. Then he had enough. After he left, I checked my e-mail, and ate some of the pineapple that Chris cut up yesterday. Chris mentioned that he was able to get the apartment for 700w/ month. But Michele came home and told me that her 'roommate' got an offer to continue to stay where she was for free. So Michele feels guilty for wanting her roommate to move in and pay rent. The roommate feels guilty for not moving in after they have been apartment-hunting together for so long, so she says she will move in when she gets the money. Then it was time for me to leave. I drove to the SPC and was amazed at the glut of cars everywhere. I had to park out in the armpit of God. I thought it must be some big event at the high school, but it turned out to be a memorial service for a wife (and mother) who died of cancer. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that there were no tables in our room, and the ladies next door said they'd been taken downstairs for the teacher's training. Luckily one of them spotted some tables in the fellowship hall, behind the spread waiting for the memorial attenders. I took them and set them up in our room. I started bringing in machines, cutting mats, rulers, etc. Then the PAO man and the photographer arrived. They helped carry in machines and put out chairs. As the ladies came in for class, I inspected the fabric they brought. Just nosy I guess. I gave out the pressing instructions first so those who had arrived could get started and be done before the late attendees came. But for some reason it took a long time for them to do that. When the first person finished, I gave out the cutting instructions. But by then the photographer had left. I relaxed and enjoyed seeing what color combinations came up. People started leaving early for some reason and we were packed before 8:30. I stood around to talk for a bit and then hiked to my car. I drove to our parking lot, and got into Chris' car. There on the seat was an anniversary card. He remembered twice in one day! The sentiment was so sweet that I almost couldn't drive home. When I got home, I hugged him and then had some supper. I finished an audio interview that I had started earlier in the day. Chris doesn't need a sandwich so I just need to soak my sprouts and go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to Chris & Fern!
Hope you get a chance to celebrate soon...

Sounds like you had such a day with the photographer..
AL from CA