Sunday, October 9, 2011

Same service, new location

Now that church starts at 11 instead of 10,
I decided to use the extra time to sew. I finished the blocks that I was working on last night and had breakfast. When Chris was ready, we left for church. The Episcopal service now meets in the hospital chapel. I handed Gene's wife the last batch of communion bread. She mentioned how she had cleared a large space in her freezer for it, and I wondered if I should have made more. The attendance was less than last week, probably owing to it being a holiday weekend. After the service we had refreshments and Gene's birthday cake in another room. I put the word out that Michele needs a roommate and am hopeful a good one can easily be found. Then we went to the PX. Chris bought two shirts, a belt, a laptop for me, and a flat screen TV. He chose a 32 inch. It seemed so small there in the store that I chose a 42 inch. So he bought the 42 inch. It came in a really big box. It would not fit in the trunk, so he and this other guy put it in the back seat. We went to the commissary for groceries and called Michele to meet us in front of the apt building to help unload. I carried up the groceries while she and Chris handled the TV. It had gotten bigger. She and I put away the groceries. Then Chris set up the TV. Looked smaller in the store. After the TV, he set up my laptop. After much usage of language frowned upon in Sunday school, he got it on the internet. Microsoft is still on his spit list. Romaric arrive to play games. I had wanted to go early to the AnC center to finish my quilt, but for some reason was very sleepy. By the time I found the energy to walk through the new gate, and drive to the AnC center, it was 5:15. I 'might' have finished if I hadn't had to outsmart the machine. It was almost 7 and I had one block left. The OS decided that the quilting software had performed an illegal operation and shut it down. I took it as a sign to quit. I unzipped the leaders and put the other quilt back on for Ms. Kim. I went home. The game was still in session. I had a bite of supper and went to trim my blocks from this morning. They became perfect 16 inch squares. That is when I found out that the previous ones were not so perfectly trimmed. It makes sense, 'cause I just got the 20inch square ruler recently. I wonder how I trimmed them years ago. So what I do do about them? I don't want to cut the perfect ones any smaller.
Last night we could hear the fireworks festival in Youido. We have windows facing north and south. But Youido is west. So I tried climbing to the top of the building and craning my head as far out the window as it would go. "Don't look down" was my motto. It was a very uncomfortable position, and not just physically. Many of my nightmares involve standing on the top floor of a tall unsteady building. My weight is enough to tip it over and I wake up as I am falling along with the building. So it was too much like that. I should have visited Ruth Ann. She said she had a great view from her apartment last year.

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