Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bob's visit is enlightening

I was amazed to find myself up and awake shortly after 7. My ankle was bothering me, so I did toe-touches instead of using the rebounder. I sifted through my e-mail, and my phone rang. It was Bob returning my call about the malfunctioning kitchen light. He said he'd be over in a few minutes. So I dashed off to get dressed and pick up a bit. He got the numbers from the bulbs and took the ballast with him. I fixed my breakfast and finished e-mail. I started an audio. Bob came back with a new ballast but no bulbs. That was fine 'cause with the new ballast, both bulbs worked. After he left, I crocheted through several audios, finishing a mauve scarf. The ball of yarn was a big tangled mess so I had to untangle as I went. It wasn't all one piece, either. Now I am only three days behind. I took a break to work on Sunday School. The idea finally gelled in my head. I picked up some leaves from the yard. I put one under paper and used a green crayon to rub over it. Then I used markers to decorate the green image as though it were a Christmas tree. It could be the start of a Christmas card. I was pretty sure even a three year old could it. I gathered a bunch more leaves and pressed them in a book so they will be flat for Sunday. I wrote up instructions and a materials list so I won't forget any of it on Sunday. I spent an hour or so raking leaves in the front yard. After dumping the 4th box of them, I started picking up sticks and putting them on the stick pile. I amassed quite a pile before I quit. The neighbor boy came over for a quick visit and was gone as suddenly as he appeared. I paged through my crochet book for a suitable stitch. I found some yarn in blue and in brown so I decided to mix them. Chris came home and we ate supper. Then I went to choir practice. I was a little early so I checked out the craft closet to see what supplies I could use on Sunday. Choir practice let out early because we are running out of Sundays with an organist. She said we might have to go to recorded service music. I came home to find Chris on his computer. I listened to an audio while crocheting until Chris was ready to resume the book on CD. I continued to crochet until the book was finished. He went to bed. I put in another row, then stopped to write this post. I can finish it in the morning.

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