Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Scarves

It was a fairly routine morning. I took out the garbage, which usually gets picked up on Monday. I folded laundry and thread-marked Chris' black socks. He has three pairs that look alike until he puts them on. I finished the scarf I started yesterday and began a new one. This one uses an alternating single and double stitch. I raked leaves in the back yard. I also cleared them from the carport. I wanted to use the leaf blower, but it wouldn't work. It might have gotten wet because the carport leaks. I'll try it again tomorrow. There is one tree that I named Cinderella last week because it was dressed in yellow. Well, Cinderella is now bare. There were no tomatoes near ripe, so I picked some collard and turnip leaves. I made a new batch of coconut milk. But this time I did not squeeze out the flakes. We'll see out this works. I watched several Youtube videos of gymnastic ball routines. Gee I wish I could do that. They are so flexible. I called my Dad to ask about Thanksgiving and he wanted to talk about my birthday party. He asked me what I wanted and all I could say was for Mom to get better. When Chris got home, he told me it didn't look good for going to NJ. The sunday school leader at church will be relieved. We watched 3 episodes of NCIS before going to bed.

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