Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

Chris had the day off. He took a shower while I ate breakfast and skimmed e-mail. Then we drove separately to Brian's Auto Service. I left my car there, and Chris drove us home. I read a little more e-mail, and then I picked out some quilting projects to work on. I found water on the garage floor and called Bob. The mysterious leak was back. There was no answer so I left a message. With my box of projects and a sewing machine, Chris and I went to First Christian Church. He dropped me off and went home. The women remembered me from last week and greeted me warmly. I set up my machine, and ironed my bargello quilt top. I helped another lady bring in a table. Then Myrna announced that she and some others were going to Jo-anns and Hancocks and did anyone else want to go? So I went along. When I mentioned getting yarn for the scarf project, Myrna said she had yarn she wanted to get rid of, and she would bring it to the church tomorrow. Wow! How great is that? We went to Jo-anns first. I got a couple of greens that might go with the Veggie Tales fabric. If I had known we were going, I would have brought it with me. We stood in line to have fabric cut. Jo-Anns was having a sale but had only one person to cut fabric and only one cashier. They had some great coupons but the coupons were only good on regularly priced merchandise. Most of their stuff was on sale for 10 to 25% off. We were not impressed. Then we went to Hancocks. Most of their stuff was 50% off, no coupon needed. The cashier gave me an extra 15% off my total. And they were well staffed. The ladies wanted lunch so I suggested Jason's, which serves organic food. It turned out to be right around the corner. We had a nice lunch, then went back to the church. We worked for several hours. I sewed binding to the front of my blue and yellow quilt. And I cut and sewed borders on the comfy quilt. Then I called Chris to pick me up. Other ladies were leaving too. The rain had stopped. When we got home, I swept the wet leaves off of the deck. I caught up on e-mail, then put on an audio so I could crochet. I finished the scarf from yesterday and started another. I tried to do a diagonal pattern with two colors, but it just doesn't come off in crochet. I tried it in both single and in double crochet stitches. After Chris ate supper, we went down to watch 3 episodes of NCIS. Then he went to bed. * The scarf you see here is in variegated yarn. That is what gave me the notion to try something diagonal *

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