Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Green Rectangle

I was up by 8, took a shower, ate breakfast and read e-mail. At nine I took my box of Sunday School supplies to church. I went to the craft closet for paint, paper and glue sticks. I sat in on the opening for sunday school. But then I had a 20 minute wait because the craft session was scheduled for the second half. I checked on my group in Storytime to make sure there weren't more than 6. There were only 4. I used the paper punch to make ornaments out of red paper and tinfoil. They came in at 10:05 and I got them started on their rubbed leaf Christmas cards. They used the markers, glue sticks, glitter and stickers. and I had time to get painted handprints of the two kids I hadn't seen yet. The choir started practicing before sunday school was over. As soon as the bell rang, I went into the sanctuary to join them, leaving clean-up for after church. Chris joined me in the front pew. Our intern gave the sermon. After the service, we stood in line to shake hands, then Chris went to the grocery store while I cleaned up the craft room. One of the paint bottles had been opened. I wondered who came in the craft room after I left. I put everything away and passed out the craft for next Sunday, which comes in a kit. I went home, arriving before Chris. I changed my clothes, and then picked up sticks in the yard. Chris came home and we put groceries away. Chris made bacon. It smelled so good that I ate a piece, enjoying it thoroughly. I crocheted while listening to audios. Then raked a big rectangle in the back yard, still listening. I took a pic of the grass because tomorrow it will be covered again. Chris cooked spaghetti squash and sauce. I ate that and a big salad for supper. Later we watched 4 episodes of NCIS before going to bed.

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