Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I slept well last night, being thoroughly tired out. So I got up somewhat early. I boiled some water and put dried coconut flakes in to soak. I went through my e-mails and had breakfast. I did not do much exercising because my ankle was a little sore from the dancing. After breakfast I put the flakes in the blender and tried to liquify them. Still, there was a fair amount of solids left after I squeezed out the milk. The milk went into the frig and the solids went into the freezer. There was less cleanup needed than last time. I googled leaf crafts again for Sunday school. Its hard to find something that will keep three year olds busy for 20 minutes. It had rained last night. I swept the wet leaves off of the deck. I got out the quilt that is the basis for the block of the month. I drew out all the blocks in the back of my calendar notebook. I have drawn them before, but can't find that piece of paper now. I drew up a plan to cover all 20 blocks in the next 12 months. Then I wrote myself a few notes for presenting two of them tonight. Chris came home early. I had just started a new scarf using 'the bushy stitch' as the book called it. I put it down so we could go vote. The polling place was a nearby church. The parking lot was almost full, but there was no line. We were handed paper ballots to fill out. The front was easy, but on the back were a bunch of ill-defined referendums. How does one choose 'yes' or 'no' when confronted by a referendum to repeal a previous amendment concerning equality in schools? A little more specificity is needed. I fed my ballot into a box and got a sticker. I continued listening to an audio and resumed crocheting when we got home. Chris made onion soup for supper. I had a bowl, and then packed for guild meeting. I brought the 12 blocks for Deb, and the floral garden quilt for show and tell. I also took my started scarf. Along the way my progress was impeded by two accidents, but I was able to find a way around both. When I got to the meeting, I discovered that my crochet hook was missing. I called Chris, but it was not at home. I hoped it wasn't in the dark parking lot. Gladys needed help carrying in some boxes of drapery samples. We helped her, and then combed through the 5 boxes. Each sample was on a small hanger. I got a few, but really they aren't big enough to do much with. However, one lady said she could make bags and sell them. So she took all that were left. On the way home, I stopped at the Korean market for bean sprouts. They were gone, so I selected some long skinny mushrooms, and some persimmons. I asked about kimbap but he said he ate the last one and told me to call ahead next time (but only on Tuesdays). When I got home, I put the food in the frig. Then I started another scarf while Chris played more of the book on CD that we started on the way back from Augusts. This scarf uses the 'brick stitch'. The pic in the book looks more like bricks than what I did. At 10:30 Chris went to bed. I had to do a few more rows before I could stop. Now I am posting before I go to bed.

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