Friday, November 2, 2012

My machine needed me

There was nothing unusual about the morning. I finished crocheting the yellow scarf in shell stitch. But it wasn't quite long enough. I looked through my bags to see if there was any more. There wasn't, but there was some gold. It was attached to a partial scarf done in gold and grey yarn. It must be one of Michele's old projects. I thought if I finished it, I could use the gold to finish the yellow scarf. Thankfully it still had a hook in it, 'cause I wouldn't have guessed that it was a different gauge. So I used that hook and completed another band or two, then decided it would be a good one to do while riding in the car tomorrow, that is, IF I can crochet in a moving vehicle. I took a break to get some fresh air. I picked two tomatoes and raked up four boxes of leaves from the front yard. Then I wanted to sew. My machine is sulking due to so little attention. But I knew Chris wanted me to pack. But I hate packing - all the decisions. And my future self is such a complainer. Anything I forget to pack, she'll castigate me for. One of the audios I heard today was about raising your self esteem by finding something to acknowledge yourself for everyday. I hope my future self was listening. I told her she was lucky I decided to go on the trip. I could ground her if she isn't nicer to me. So I did a little tapping, and I packed a small suitcase. I also prepared two breakfasts, one to eat tomorrow before we leave and one to take for Sunday morning. Satisfied, I went downstairs to sew. I had promised Deb months ago that I would make her 12 blocks for some book she plans to write. I was amazed how easily I was able to choose the fabrics. And not long after Chris came home, I finished, pressed and squared all 12 blocks. He did two loads of laundry. We ate supper, and watched episodes of the last season of MASH. We brought the laundry up and Chris quickly packed and went to bed. That was just a little after 8. He plans to get up at 4, so I will be joining him in sleep after I take a shower.

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