Friday, November 16, 2012

Last scarf for shoeboxes

I started my day by finishing one audio and starting another. Having gotten three bags of yarn last night, I went through the bags and pulled out a really thick green ball. I crocheted one scarf and started another. But it ran out before I was done. So I pulled it all out and started over. I found a ball of thick white yarn and threw in a few rows of it to extend the green. That left me with a bunch of hanging ends, so I crocheted around it like a border to hide them. At that point I had 20 scarves, maybe even 21. I put them in a bag for church. I raked leaves in the front yard for some fresh air. I searched high and low for the advent wreath Sunday School project. When I found it, I put it together. I wrote myself a list of comments and tools needed to help with the job. I washed the fabric that I bought on Monday and ironed it while listening to a chi gong audio. The man mentioned that massaging the back of the hands is good for getting rid of age spots. I started massaging the backs of my hands and then realized that I don't have any age spots. Wow, that was fast! Ha, ha. Chris came home at 5. We ate supper and I put everything for sunday school in a box. I went downstairs to iron some more. The audio I was listening to then was about 'Heavenly Hires'. The lady said whenever she needed something, she pretended she had a phone book for angels, and 'hired' whatever specialist she needed. She had one for time management, one for dealing with the kids, one for financial help, etc. She even had committees of them and staff meetings. She said it changed her life because all she had to do was tell them what she wanted handled, and they either did it or gave her advice on what to do. So I decided to 'hire' a garden angel to protect my vegetables over the Thanksgiving holiday. At 6:30 I quit ironing. Chris took me to the quilt guild meeting. They had found the item from the auction that I couldn't find last month. So I picked that up. Some of the ladies from the Monday group were there so I sat with them. First there was a long slide show of quilts by one of the members. Unlike me, who makes quilts based on inspiration of the fabric or a certain design, all her quilts were made for specific people and specific events. After that was show and tell. I wanted to take pics but couldn't find my camera. After the meeting I called Chris to pick me up. I stood on the sidewalk talking to Cindy 'till he drove up. Then we went to our church to drop off the sample craft and put out glue and pencils for the craft. When we got home, we watched episodes of NCIS, then went to bed.

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