Monday, November 5, 2012

New quilt group

I got up earlier than usual this morning, probably because the daylight arrived an hour sooner. There were no audios posted yet, so after I ate breakfast and read through e-mail, I was done. I swept the hall, bathroom and den. I called First Christian Church to find out when their quilting group met and if I need to bring anything with me. The secretary didn't know, but she gave me some phone numbers. I called them and got no answer. So I just showed up at 10:30 with all the stuff I would normally bring to a sewing Saturday. I even grabbed two tomatoes from the garden. The ladies there were very friendly and made me feel right at home. I brought the comfy quilt project to work on. I set up my machine and worked on that. They had irons and cutting boards, so I wouldn't have had to bring mine. Each person worked on their own project. I accidentally took the niacin before I came, and went through the flush, but no one seemed to notice. They ordered lunch from Steak-out. Because it was the first Monday of the month, they sang Happy Birthday to all the people who have birthdays in November - all two of us. They put candles in cupcakes and we had to blow them out. It was all a lot of fun. When I stood on a chair to audition some borders, the ladies brought out a flannel board made for that purpose. Several of them generously donated their opinions on the choices for borders. I made my decision and it included using fabric I did not bring with me. So I packed up to go home. They encouraged me to come back next week, and I plan to. I went home. I had some leftovers. Then I raked leaves in the back yard and mowed the part inside the fence. It was almost time for Chris to come home and it was getting dark. It seemed especially dark because the kitchen light fixture doesn't work any more. I called Bob and his wife, but neither of them answered their phone. After supper I dressed in loose black pants, oversized t-shirt and fuzzy socks. This was the recommended dress for Irish dancing. Chris and I left about 6, arriving before 6:30. We waited for one of his coworkers. We were there at her invitation. She arrived with another one of his coworkers. Class started at 6:45. The room was hot, but ventilated. The instructor kept us busy and kept introducing a lot of new moves. A number of us were beginners, but we did not stay with one dance long enough for me to learn it. So I imagine Chris was not comfortable with it either. It was a work out, but just within the range that I could fake it. After class, we went to eat with Daneen and Art at Cracker Barrel. I wasn't hungry. The men got egg sandwiches and Daneen had fried fish. The conversation was good and lasted longer than the meal. It was raining when we left. We got home before 10 and Chris went to bed. I think we will both sleep very soundly tonight.

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