Thursday, November 29, 2012

Looking fine for 49

Last night, just before I got in bed, I thought of my greenhouse and how cold it was outside. I got the idea to put some Christmas lights out there to keep the plants warm. So I went into the basement to find the lights. The first two strings did not work, but the third one did. So it went into the greenhouse, just as it was, wrapped around a cardboard wrapping paper tube. When I checked on it the next morning, the plants were toasty warm:) I started my audios as early as I could. I worked on my latest scarf. I put together a box for Michele, but the pie won't fit. I made a loaf of bread for Chris. I raked leaves with the laptop on my back. Sometime next week I will be finished with the leaves. What will I do then? I found an old tumeric shaker to portion some from the large jar. The large jar is too likely to dispense more than is wanted. I made myself a large salad using more greens from my garden. I went into my sewing center to find a binding material for my Christmas tablerunner. I went through all my Christmas fabrics. Then I put them back in order by color. Some of them weren't washed, so I put them in the washing machine. I found a few other unwashed fabrics as I continued to look for the perfect binding to match the front and the back. I gave up and decided to do a double binding. I looked through my box of silks because the back is silk. Then I looked through the Hongkong silks. Finally I decided on the two fabrics I wanted; one silk and one cotton. I turned on the washer. I came upstairs to find Chris home at his laptop. I read more e-mail and turned on the lights in the greenhouse. A box of supplements came and I put them in their places. When Chris was ready, we watched several more episodes of Get Smart. Gee, it's full of old cars.

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