Thursday, November 1, 2012

Candied beef?

I had my usual morning routine followed by crocheting. I don't think I will do another longitudinal one again. This brown one has taken all day. Since the yarn is thinner, I am using the densest stitch I know - the single crochet. It is also the most labor intensive. When not crocheting, I took the recyclables out to the curb. I dug two bucketfuls of dirt from the garden and filled in low spots on the front lawn. I picked and ate two tomatoes. The plants are doing fine after their cold night. There have been a number of interesting articles hitting my inbox lately. In one, it seems the price of corn is rising, so farmers are finding it cheaper to feed their cattle candy. Yes, candy. The next time you eat beef, see if it is faintly sweet. Also, there was an article on election fraud. Electronic voting machines are easy to rig and some of the software was created by people not eligible to vote - felons. Trade-secret law makes it impossible to independently verify that the devices are working properly. If you think your vote doesn't count, you might be right! After supper I reviewed the shell stitch on Youtube, then picked up a skein of yellow yarn and put it to use. When Chris could break away from his game, we went downstairs to watch episodes of MASH.

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