Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I read e-mail and found time to rebound in between. After breakfast I watched 4 tapping videos and one long audio. I put the next door neighbors mis-delivered mail in his box. There was a strong smell of paint thinner in our front yard. Very odd. I finished folding the laundry and put most of it away. I cleaned the master bath as well as I could considering we are all out of toilet bowl cleaner. How did I not notice that before? I had planned to decant the current batch of kombucha and make another one, but this one wasn't quite ready. Sadly I have finished drinking the last batch. Because it was such a nice day, I put on shorts and a tank top and went outside with a Sudoku puzzle. When I finished the puzzle, I swept the patio with a broom at length to get up all the tree droppings. I also pulled out dried up iris leaves from the flower bed. The scent of blooming daffodils was strong. I opened the greenhouse to take advantage of the fresh air and warm temperature. I folded the newest origami object which is supposed to be a water lily. I swept and mopped the kitchen floor and in the den. Of course Chris came home a bit earlier than usual. He fixed himself supper. He sent me an article about a new prime number being found, the largest so far. I parceled out 8 days worth of supplements and put together an order for those which were getting low. I took a shower and headed for choir practice. Cindy and Shannon were taking down the blankets from the sanctuary. I helped put some into a bag. Then practice began. We sang through 3 pieces, then practiced two of them up front. I talked to Shannon after the singing and then went home. Chris was at his laptop, but was soon finished so that we could watch TV. We saw 2 episodes of Poirot. And then it was bedtime.

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