Thursday, February 28, 2013

Looking for trumpets

My teeth were still a little sore when I woke up this morning. It was my phone that woke me, but I did not realize it until later. It was the dentist's office wanting to confirm the appt they gave me yesterday. I told them to cancel it. Then I got dressed, read e-mail, exercised, tapped, and made breakfast. I broke up the nuts with a marble rolling pin so I could chew them more easily. I made another batch of kombucha. I spent most of the day reading e-mail and doing internet searches: lots of dental stuff, new techniques, electrical charges on teeth, etc. I found the 'special Vitamin C" that the dentist buys direct from the scientist who invented it. It's a $1 per packet on Amazon. It's called Lyposo-spheric Vitamin C and is supposed to be as good or better than IV vitamin C. I hate to think what she charged me. I also spent quite some time trying to locate the instructions for my sunday school project this week. It involved making trumpets from posterboard. But I can't find it anywhere on the net. I cleared the dishwasher and restacked it. I also finished the binding on the baby quilt. I ripped out the parts where the piping got caught the wrong way in the quilting. I took it downstairs to resew those segments. Chris came home. I cleaned up my sewing room a bit, then got out my box of crayons to pick out the brown ones. I colored a square of paper and folded it into a cube. A bunch of these are destined to be the walls of Jericho. I just need trumpets to knock them down. Where are my trumpets? I made a large salad for supper. I considered juicing it, but managed to chew it on one side. I am worried that something is wrong since it still hurts. Chris and I went down to watch "The four musketeers" and an episode of Eureka. He went to bed and I am wondering what pic I can post. Maybe one from Monday.

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