Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I (heart) You

At 8:30 I was up and heading for the den. I jumped on the rebounder before checking e-mail. I alternated two more sets with e-mail before having breakfast about 10. I deleted most of the audios that came in today, only keeping one. I worked several Sudoku puzzles while it ran. I watched 4 tapping audios and looked for more. Youtube can be addicting. I took a moment to trim the hair on top of my head. It was such a nice day that after lunch I went out to rake leaves. There aren't very many, but it is something to do. Yesterday there were hundreds of black birds in our backyard, pecking around for seeds or worms. when I opened the door carefully, they all flew away. Well, today they were in the trees, all squawking excitedly, like the audience before a political debate. I could see that they left their 'marks' all over the deck. After raking leaves, I dug up pieces of brick in the little enclosure out back beside the garden. It's like a big planter box where the owner threw in leftover stuff and then covered it with dirt. When I had had enough of that, I came in, checked more e-mail, folded the latest origami object, and finished another Sudoku puzzle. Yahoo has made some changes, but it did not go as planned because other things got screwed up. Maybe they'll change it back to Yahoo Classic. It is much better than the new version. When Chris came home, we talked about a decision he had to make at work, and a French GMO study that I forwarded to him. He baked brownies for a party at work tomorrow. It is for a lady who has just come back from maternity leave. I would have made a quilt, but as I have discovered, that is not the sort of thing to start the day before. The tapping audios that I was expecting from last night finally came to my inbox. I listened to one of them, and then we watched the latest Netflix arrival - Morning Glory with Harrison Ford and Rachael McAdams.

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