Monday, February 18, 2013

No quilting in public

I got up feeling no worse than yesterday, which was pretty good except for the throat. I read e-mail, exercised only a little, and put HyPx in my ears. After breakfast, it was more e-mail. Usually I would have gone quilting, but did not want to 'share' my microbes. Or virii. Or whatever they are. They are mine, do you hear, all mine! Bwahahahaha!

Ahem. Moving right along: I boiled all my toothbrushes, and searched Youtube for tapping videos for colds. I even sat outside for awhile in the fresh air. Around 2 we went to Publix for groceries. On the way back we stopped at the church where quilting is held. I made a brief appearance to explain my not appearing, and talked to Mirna about tomorrow. She can't do tomorrow anyway so I guess its all good. Chris put the grass-fed pork roast in the oven for supper, along with two fists of garlic. Those microbes will learn better than to mess with us. I went downstairs to work on the quilt that I started Saturday. Here is what I have so far, but wait until the other colorway blocks join these. The roast and garlic were outstanding! So good. The garlic cloves were so soft that they melted in my mouth. And mixed with roast juice, it was heaven! After supper I finished reading a Star Trek book written by William Shatner. Of course the story did not end, so I will have to obtain the next book in the series. Then we went down to watch several episodes of Eureka. Chris prepared for work tomorrow and I posted to my blog, as well as drank a glass of water and planned to do the HyPx thing again.

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