Monday, February 11, 2013

Quilt and a haircut - two bits

I was up before 8, so I thought I had plenty of time to get ready. I exercised, read e-mail, ate breakfast and listened to one of the tapping summit audios. By then it was 9:30, so I scrambled to dress, and pack a project and a lunch. I also packed the barber kit. It was almost 10:30 when I arrived at the church for quilting. The lot was full but so few people were in the quilting room. I set up for sewing and pulled out the green and brown baby quilt to audition borders. None of the choices I brought were spot on. Roberta showed me the fabric closet and helped me look through it for browns. We came back with an armload. The basketweave was the perfect choice. When all the auditioning was done, I had 4 borders and a binding. I cut three brown fabrics into strips, and sewed them together, using one as piping. I sewed them to the quilt. Then came the green border. The other ladies teased me that anyone who visits the closet must take fabric with them. Dangerous words. Temptation struck but I resisted. For today. Before Jodi left, I brought in the barber case. She said something about cutting my hair last week and I took her up on it. I sat in a chair and she cut it quite carefully, dismissing my thanks with protestations to wait until I saw the finished product. Well, without a hand mirror, I was unable to see the back at all. Still, it felt much better and I was sure she had done well. The other ladies complimented her. After she left, I finished the quilt top and made arrangements with Mirna to quilt it next week. I packed up and headed home. I ate my leftover chili from last night, and listened to the second tapping audio. Then I tapped through 4 more Brad Yates videos. Chris came home for supper. He found a box of supplements on the front porch. After supper and some Sudoku puzzles, we watched several episodes of Poirot. Then it was bedtime.
* This is a quilt that Roberta is making for the church nursery. *

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