Sunday, February 24, 2013

Panda (you can see that, right?)

I woke up leisurely this morning and wandered out to the kitchen where I was surprised to learn that it was 8:45. I jumped in the shower, then got dressed. I woke Chris who agreed to meet me in church and drove to sunday school. I laid out the stamps, markers, special scissors, paper and stamp pads. I sat in the sanctuary as the opening commenced. Then the Oranges followed me to the craft room. They enjoyed making Get Well cards. Some took theirs home for a relative, and some left their card for someone on the church list. I cleaned up the stamps and the room. I got a bulletin and sat in our usual place. I waited for Chris, but he never showed up. The kids choir sang today, so the adult choir did not. During the passing of the peace, I apologized to the lady behind me for not shaking her hand, then headed to the ladies room to blow my nose. I don't want to pass more than the peace. After the service, I worked on next week's project which involves paper-folding little boxes. When the crowd had cleared out, I went to the supply room to see if they had any posterboard for next week. Tamara was there and said she'd get some this week. When I got home, Chris was sitting at his laptop. He said he overslept. His lunch was cooling on the counter. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail and posted to my blog. We went to the grocery store for food, then stopped by Rite Aid for vapor rub. It was a nice day so I raked leaves for an hour outside, barefoot. I picked some greens and made a large salad. After supper I followed four tapping videos and then we watched episodes of Eureka until it was time for bed.

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