Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seeing a Holistic Dentist

It was a regular morning up to a point. I read e-mail, exercised, watched 4 tapping videos, showered and dressed. I did not eat breakfast just in case they had to do some fasting bloodwork. I checked the location on Googlemaps one last time. Then I got into my car and drove to the dentist. I had never been there before and it was in a place I had never gone past before. But I found it with no trouble. I was 15 minutes early. I sat in the waiting room for awhile. The receptionist took my paperwork. I sat some more, and then she put me in an exam chair. She took bitewing x-rays. More waiting. Then she took me to another room for a panoramic film. Back to the chair and more waiting. And waiting. When I realized it was 1pm and all they had done was take x-rays, I was not happy. I left to get a book from the car. Maybe that shook them up 'cause the dentist suddenly appeared. I explained that I was a little agitated, and she seemed to think I was rushing her. Anyway, she took her time explaining how thorough she was and that maybe this wasn't a good fit for me. I had had to fill out a health form and she went over it, pointing out things that could be symptoms of mercury toxicity. She showed me the x-rays on the monitor and explained that they wanted to replace all the mercury fillings and one ceramic one that had too much metal in it. She also wanted to fix cavitations at the sites where my wisdom teeth were extracted. Her assistant came in with a sheet of prices for all the procedures. To say it wasn't cheap was an understatement of Biblical proportions. I told her I just wanted the mercury out of my mouth. The cavitations at $1000 each could wait. (Maybe permanently) So she scheduled me for tomorrow to do one side of my mouth. She won't know which side until then because she is going to test each filling for an electrical charge and fix the highest side. Normally she would have made me wait a week, taking large doses of vitamin C and some other stuff to detox first, but when I showed her my list of supplements, she decided I was ready now. And they had a cancellation for tomorrow morning. I wrote a check for the visit and headed home. (They have a 3% charge for using a credit or debit card). I had fixed breakfast before I left so all I had to do was add the coconut milk and stir. I read e-mail and bought a Kindle book. I downloaded a PC app to play it. Then I went looking for one for the tablet. I could have saved myself the trouble 'cause there was one already on it. I practiced my trombone. Twice. I did not know if I would be able to play tomorrow. I machine-sewed a binding on the front of the baby quilt and started handsewing the other side. I may bring it to the dentist office for the long waittimes tomorrow. Chris came home and we ate supper. He put gas in my car. I put together a Swansons order since they were giving a $15 credit on a $75 order. Then we watched several episodes of Eureka. Since I have to be back at the dentist's office by 8:15, I'd better get to bed.

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