Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A day for Hostessing

I got up right after Chris left for work. I searched both of my computers for the family cinnamon roll recipe. Not finding it, I searched the internet and grabbed the first one I found. I had to adapt it for the bread machine, and I used Demera sugar because I didn't have regular sugar. I got the dough processing and turned my attention to the house. I moved my car to the back yard so the carport would be clear for the ladies to park in (turns out they didn't). I swept the spiders and webs off of the front porch. I hung the quilt over the rail so it would be more visible from the street (turns out it wasn't). When the dough was done, I sectioned it into 4 pieces, rolled each one out, and spread it with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. Some got raisins, pecan meal, and/or cranberries. I set them to rise for half an hour and then baked them. Meanwhile, I found more items to move or clean. I swept the bathrooms and the master bedroom. I tried to clear my sewing table. When the rolls came out of the oven, I started to worry that no one was coming. It was after 10. Then Barbara came, then Bertha, and Rebecca arrived at 11. We chatted and did some show-and-tell. I pressed the button to make coffee and they drank it with the rolls. Others did come and I got to show off my sewing area and fabric collection several times. Twice I was told that I had the largest fabric collection they knew of. :) :) :)
So anyway, seven was the largest the group got at any one time. No one parked in the carport, but two ladies parked across the entrance. But somehow everyone found a place to park so it was ok. Most of them brought something to work on, at least by hand. I did not sew because I wanted to keep my attention on traffic flow, etc, so I could make improvements for the next time. As it turns out, the best place for the ironing board is by the countertop and I won't put a chair on the west side of the patio table in the den. I think the other patio table could be set up in the basement in the TV area. The last one left at 4:15. I thought it all went well. Except for lunch. Usually they call for delivery, but not today. And I offered to cut up some oranges for them, but they refused. So I ate a package of seaweed and left it at that because it didn't seem right for me to eat if they weren't eating, and besides, they might not appreciate that kimchi aroma. So after they left, I ate some kimchi and cheese. I was mowing the lawn when Chris came home at 5. When the mower was done, I came inside, thirsty and drained of energy. Later I made a salad. We watched an evening's worth of Bones before going to bed.

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