Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Day for driving

We took our time getting up, and taking a shower, getting dressed and eating. We chatted with his parents and packed our stuff. Chris loaded the car. We said goodbye to his parents and we headed out, between 11 and noon. We finished one book on CD and started another while driving. We stopped to walk several times. We arrived in Bristol about 5 or a little after. Our first stop was the Amish Store. I bought two cheeses. Then we drove to the same Chinese restaurant as last week. They were very busy filling take-out orders. When our food was ready, we took it to the car, and drove across the street to fuel up. Then we went to the hotel. Chris checked in and I had a few bites of the cheese while waiting. We were given a third floor room this time. We each carried an armload up the elevator. Then Chris let me eat while he went back for the rest. We watched several old episodes of Bones on TV. But what we really wanted to do was read e-mail, so we shut off the TV. I stayed up late trying to clear it all. We went to bed without blogging. I woke in the middle of the night, worried about getting the house ready for the Monday quilting ladies. But I must have gone back to sleep at some point because I remember having a dream about it: They showed up Sunday night and the house wasn't ready. But we discovered a very large room under the basement that I had never noticed before and it was large enough and clean enough for everyone to gather and sew. As I remember, lighting was still a problem.
* This is a picture taken at the Paducah show *

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