Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Packing for the class

The morning started with e-mail, exercise, and breakfast. Gwenda sent me the phone number of the Wagner reunion secretary. So I called her, only to find that my dad had already called her last night. So I called Dad, but he didn't answer. I looked up how to make soy sauce. I was surprised. They mash the cooked soybeans with flour to make small cakes. These are left in a moist place to go moldy. Then they are dried in the sun and added to a salt brine to ferment for months. The cakes break up, and the mash is strained out to leave soy sauce. Mmmm, huh?
I went outside to sunbathe. When I got in, there was a message from Dad, so I called him back. I offered to handle the file transfer for him, but he wanted to do it himself. Then I quickly got ready for tai chi. I arrived just as class was starting. Today the instructor spent much less time talking and much more time actually tai chi-ing. We got through the entire routine. He says that when we have learned it all, we get a patch. I don't care about a patch, I just want to learn something new, to keep my brain active. And tai chi does. It is like learning to speak Korean. At first it makes no sense whatsoever because there are no greek or latin rootwords for reference. But hopefully, I will get used to at least the simple moves. When I got home, I put on old clothes and an audio. I emptied the dishwasher and restacked it. I folded laundry. I assembled the recyclables for tomorrow. I got the hose from the front of the house and added it to the back so it would reach the back garden. I watered both gardens, and pulled weeds. I was going to mow, but by then it was 5:30. I came in to clean up and Chris came home. He saw the Jehovah's witnesses drive up and warned me. I asked him to answer the door and send them away. But they asked for me by name and he called out "Are you home?" What was I to do? I met them at the door and we talked. I did not invite them in because it would have prolonged the conversation. I did not want to be rude, but neither did I want to give them the wrong impression. There were two young ladies, probably early twenties. They insisted that they were not trying to get me to convert. I am not sure I believed them. Why else do they keep coming back? After they left, I ate supper and packed a suitcase and thought of more things to bring for the class on Friday. I also printed out a few more handouts, just in case. Lisa said they added 5 more people to her class. Chris and I watched the first two episodes of Forever Knight, which came from Netflix. Chris thought I hadn't seen it. I thought we saw it together when it first came out. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This is the quilt Mirna made from my handout. With such lovely colors, I might like it better than the original. *

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