Sunday, June 16, 2013

Washing Cars on Father's Day

The alarm (Chris' phone) went off just after midnight. He reset it and we went back to sleep. Well, he did. I couldn't sleep. My stomach was gurgling and the restless leg feeling would not go away. I sat in the den to tap and meditate. When I went back to bed, I fell asleep. The alarm went off again, but this time it was 9 in the morning. We got ready for church and arrived just in time. I think they started late, but not on our account. Pastor was still gone, so Micah did the service, except for communion, which was done by retired pastor Ettraim. After the service we walked up to the pulpit. I wanted to see how the quilt was attached. Yes, it was a quilt, with the blocks arranged in a cross pattern. A lady came up to show me. I'll bet she's on the altar guild. I also looked at the altar cloth. There is a quilt hanging under that, too. And a matching wallhanging. It is quite a set. We stood in line to shake hands with the pastors. I asked Micah what the name of the cloth is so I could Google it (and maybe make one). He could not recall, but said I could look under 'liturgical paraments'. After we left the church, we went to Publix for groceries, and then home. We put the food away, and I changed clothes. I was ironing fabric in the basement when Chris proposed the idea of washing our cars. So I put on my suit and we lined our cars in the driveway. He washed and I rinsed. I also watered the garden. Since I already had my suit on, I put on an audio and sunbathed for a bit. I ate a large salad. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my sewing room. I made a backing for the quilt that Mom started. I cut scraps and made blocks for a Linus quilt. At 6 I came up for supper. Chris heated up some spaghetti squash for me. I put some salad dressing on it and added kimchi. I called my dad to wish him a happy Father's Day, but no one answered. I read e-mail and later we watched episodes of Outsourced. The evening was topped off with one episode of 3rd Rock and we went to bed. After blogging. Which was difficult because my laptop started playing tricks on me and I had to turn to the desktop to continue. The desktop doesn't have Paducah pics on it so I had to reach further back.
* This is a quilt top I made long ago. I do not know what happened to it. *

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