Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not just broccoli

Getting up before 9 gave me a little more time to read e-mail. I even took out the recyclables. Still, I wasn't finished when breakfast time rolled around. But then, I'm never finished because it never ends. Hay House did a summit last week where they posted 12 audios a day! There was no way I could listen to all of them each day. Jennifer asked me if I bought the CDs to listen to later. But what would be the point? If there wasn't time last week, there never will be, because 5+ people are running audio interviews on a daily basis. Maybe this is what it takes to get me out of the habit. I should get a life.

Cecelia and I agreed to meet at the church again at noon. I arrived with my Fruits of the Spirit quilt. She wasn't there, so I spent a few moments hanging the quilt. The intern left for lunch so we had the whole office to ourselves. We called the other foam guy in Florida and got voice mail. Then we called the fabric people in Birmingham. They were happy to order the fabric and cording for us. When they asked for the church's tax ID number, we just stared at each other. There was no one in the office to help us find it. So the lady agreed to order the fabric today, and Cecelia agreed to call her again tomorrow with the number and a credit card. This is progress. Finally! The quilt fell off the wall because the cord on one end slipped. We fixed it and hung it again. Then it seemed to stay.

I went home for lunch. Then I mowed the lawn. It started to rain several times so I mowed the highest grass, which should wear the battery down the fastest. I also pulled the weeds that grew in the cracks in the sidewalk and brick work. It started to rain again so I came in, but then it quit again. I read e-mail until Chris came home. While he fixed supper, I made veggie juice. I drank two glasses of it, hoping for more energy. Oh well., After supper we watched an episode of Nightstalker. It wasn't really to my taste. So we put on Outsourced. We'd seen it as a movie, but this was a TV series. The pilot was just ok, but since the alternative was more Nightstalker, I went with the next episode of Outsourced. It is not for those who are easily offended. But later episodes were not so bad. Then it was time to retire for the night.

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