Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Broccoli worth blogging about

I was having a pretty good dream when I woke up. I was a bit dismayed to discover that it was 9:30. My morning routine led me to read e-mail, exercise and have breakfast soon after 11. I also made a loaf of bread for Chris. At 12:45 I went out to sunbathe in my suit. While waiting for the sun, I watered the garden near the house. At 1:15 I came inside, dressed, and drove to the church where we quilt on Mondays. In fact, I met a group of ladies in that same room. An older man introduced himself and tai chi. He showed us various parts of a 10 step routine. Each one has a Chinese name and description, but he gave it a Bible verse. We learned about 6 of the steps. He said even someone confined to a chair could learn the movements. The class lasted an hour. When I got home, I put my suit back on and mowed part of the lawn. I thought about how I could relate the tai chi steps to quilting steps. When the mower ran down, I went inside to eat, drink and cool off. I read e-mail and listened to an audio. Chris came home and fixed himself supper. I wasn't hungry. I used a hoe and a trowel to level off the dirt pile created from the digging of the ditch. I created a slope, then moved one of the OSB boards over it and covered it with the black plastic. I put the remaining OSB board at a right angle to it to catch the runoff from the drain spout. I felt victorious after working so hard, but getting all the boards in place. Then I took my BOM quilt outside to photograph individual blocks. I also photographed our fruiting broccoli plant. Covered in sweat, I decided to take a shower. After the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and read e-mail. Jennifer called me to see if I could meet her at the church for tapping. I was very excited about that. I quickly dressed and drove over there. She did most of the talking, explaining all of the new books she had picked up new ideas from, EFT being one of them. We did some general tapping and she told me some of the wonderful events that she had attracted into her life. She had to be home by 9, so we parted then. Chris was on his computer when I got home. Since it was after 9, we watched one episode of Poirot. I guess we are done with Bones until the next season comes in at the library. He went to bed, and I stayed up to post this. I might stay up late tonight like I did last night, working on the computer. It lessened the time I usually spend trying to get to sleep.

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