Friday, June 7, 2013

Pulling radishes

I had trouble sleeping last night even though I played 'pink noise' for an hour. I did not get up until 9:30. I read e-mail, exercised, and was fixing breakfast when Dad called. We chatted for a bit, then he let me go so I could finish. After breakfast (which was almost noon), I googled treatments for dysphagia. I called upholstery people in the area looking for high density/ high compression foam for the church kneelers. No one had it locally, so I turned to the internet, again. I found a place in Florida that has almost exactly what I am looking for. I called to confirm, and wrote down the number. I pulled up the rabbit cage in the flowerbed. It was protecting the radishes, but they are gone to seed now. In their place I transplanted peppers and spinach. It started to rain, so I came in. I was able to eat some of the radishes, after cutting off all the woody stuff. The rain stopped. I saw tiny ants milling on the windowsill, so I put down some Terro. I watched, mesmerized, as they lined up at the edge to drink it. Bwahahahha! I went downstairs to press the green backing. Then I came up to e-mail Cathy about it, and to draw a block in EQ4 and play with it. Chris came home and made meatloaf for supper. The ants had finished that puddle of Terro so I doled out some more. I unpacked the juicer and made two glasses of beet juice with celery, cucumber, and lemon. AFTER drinking it, I realized that I had forgotten to take my supplements. So I had to drink another glass of water. I played with EQ4 some more, trying out a variation of the block I drew in earlier. By rotating the blocks, I now have 50 versions of quilts waiting for me to choose one. Chris and I went down to watch Sneakers, the latest Netflix offering. I wonder how long we've had it. We heard the critters come it just before 9. Then we watched 2 episodes of 3rd Rock. When we came up, a few large ants were crawling on the carpet in the den. It is funny how we did not have ants before the exterminator sprayed for them. The drop of Terro was full of small ants, and did not need refreshing. Chris went to bed and I am contemplating it, but wondering if it is better to stay up than to toss and turn in bed.

* These are our garlic, gone to seed. But those seed heads are tasty. *

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