Monday, June 2, 2014

A visitor

I woke up 6am, and went back to bed until 7:30. I read e-mail, watched a cancer cures video and followed my usual routine. I juiced, drank and meditated. I planted another carrot top in the planter. I saw that the seeds sewn Saturday have sprouted already. I pulled up volunteer tomato plants out of compost. I planted three in flower bed, and two in the driveway where the marigolds tried to grow. Rebecca drove up then. She brought some quilt books back, and a card she made of Michele images. We talked. Chris skyped to see if I was ok. Then Rebecca and I went to lunch at Panda. On the way back she stopped by Publix for tea, and took me home. After she left, I laid in the sun, then made breakfast, and tapped. I checked the garden and found peas. My seedlings from this morning seemed bigger already. I ate my first sweet potato leaf. I read e-mail, and ff through a long video to find the parts I really wanted. I made up vitamins for the week. I called the rental agent to check on replacing the nonfunctional light. She sounded like she did not know about it, so perhaps she relies on Bob to check the work orders and fill them. She promised to call him and get back to me. I did not get a call. I ordered minerals for the garden. I thought it might stop the blight on the tomatoes. I looked for a cheaper liposomal vitamin C, but did not find one. I planted slips from the diseased tomatoes in peat pots. Perhaps planted in a different spot, the disease will not develop. I checked e-mail again. I made a smoothie with banana, blueberries and a bunch of the little green apples. I threw in some fiber powder and salt. Then I mowed a good portion of the back yard.  I went into the garage to trim the green Linus quilt on the pingpong table and prepare it for binding. I found a needle and matching thread. But I could not find a large bag to put it in for transportation. I downloaded pics from Rebecca and made a few kaleidoscopes. I sent them to her for her approval. I worked on making pattern pieces for sri yantra border, hoping my math was correct. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
*  This is the card Rebecca made.  Isn't it fabulous?  *

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