Friday, June 27, 2014

Video tributes are a nice touch

I got up at 8 when the alarm woke me up. I wanted to go back to bed. I checked e-mail, listened to an audio, worked two puzzles of a kind called Kuromasu. Not as easy as Bridges. I turned off the AC and opened the windows for fresh air. I put on a HGH audio from Youtube while I exercised, and then juiced. I meditated on what I was thankful for while I drank the juice. Then I put the pulp through the other juicer, drank it, and was cleaning up when I was struck by the thought that Burkey and Driscoll Funeral Home might take down my mother's portion of the condolence book today. But I checked, and it will be up through the 10th of July. There was also one associated with the Reading Eagle newspaper, and it was still up. I hope my dad reads it. In the search, I came across the obituary for my U
ncle Rufus. It had a video presentation and I watched it. It was very touching and included pictures I had not seen before. So I had to look up Aunt Barbara and watch hers. I cried and I tapped as I watched. I thought the videos were a nice touch and wondered about doing one for my mother. Dad probably wouldn't want it online. I finished cleaning up the juicers. I had planned to lay out in the sun, but the sky was clouded and darkening when I finished cleaning. I cleared more e-mail, and watched part of a quilt show. I picked up two apples after the rain ended. They were on the larger side, but probably still not completely ripe. I called Dad to share a few ideas with him. I did not mention that it was their anniversary and he did not mention it either. I was listening to a short audio when Chris came home at 3. He left again to go to the grocery store and came back with a roast. I was just going out to pick some greens for a snack. Chris asked me to wash sweet potatoes for him to bake. I don't remember when I bought them and there were a lot of soft spots to cut out. Then I put my shoes on to dig up poke weed. It was quite a patch. I used the big shovel and still had trouble digging deep enough. When I came in, the roast was nearly ready. He cut me a slab of the rarest part. After I ate, I researched formulations of cat's claw for treating Lyme disease. There are a lot of favorable reviews on Amazon for one called Samento. Kurt and I skyped for awhile. I wanted to shine my healing laser on his scar, but it did not translate well through the computer etc. So we just talked. Then I hung up with him to watch TV with Chris. We saw three episodes of X-Files before he went to bed.

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