Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Something new and juicy

I got up at 8, woken out of a dream by the phone alarm. I thought I was already awake but what I remember doing before the alarm went off was not consistent with this reality. I wish I could remember it now. I drank some water, then jumped on the rebounder. I read up on coffee detox and then put it into practice. It was not as bad as I feared. After sweeping the diatomaceous earth off of the threshold yesterday, I found two ants today. I listened to an audio, and did my exercises. I juiced like normal, but instead of running the pulp through the juicer again, I used a supplement juicer that came in the mail. I washed the pieces and put it together, clamping it to the countertop. When I put the pulp in and turned the handle, juice came out both ends. So I needed an extra bowl. I collected a fair amount of juice, and the pulp was really dry afterwards, but it was after 1pm  by the time I cleaned up. Until I made breakfast and ate it, after 2. I mowed in the back yard, and pulled up a surprise crop of poke weeds. I put on my bathing suit and sat in car sweating. I was still there when Chris came home, early. I took a shower, then trimmed up the hair on the back of his neck. I called Bank of America to get my name on the mortgage with Chris' permission. They seemed to accept his word for it so we should not have to submit another form. I watered plants outside and fed them minerals. I picked 3 pea pods (probably the last three), and picked up apples. I sorted them and threw the bad ones in the compost. I sliced up the best ones and gave some to Chris. I made a list of supplements to restock. Chris and I sat down to make flight arrangements for beach week. I mowed the side yard and across the front. Then we watched HUGO, a movie from Netflix. It started out slow, but got better. Still, I could not remember why I picked it. Actually I do not recall picking it. We looked up some of the actors. I posted to my blog and went to bed. 
*  This pic is of the juicer box.  I forgot to photograph the juicer before I disassembled it to wash it.  *

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