Thursday, June 26, 2014

The long-awaited laser

I got up a little after 7, thinking it was later. I checked e-mail, then sat down to look at some quilting magazines that were up for renewal. They all looked good. I finalized and submitted an Amazon order and the Swanson's order. I exercised and took my pre-breakfast supplements. I collated and took out the recyclables. I sprinkled mineral water on the garden. I juiced cucumbers, carrots, a pepper and some sprouts. I drank it slowly, meditating. I ran the pulp through again and then through the handcrank juicer. It did get more juice out, but the pulp at the end doesn't get squeezed. I cleaned up all the juicer parts. I made breakfast and ate most of it. I washed up, changed clothes and loaded my sewing stuff in the car. It was raining a little so I went back for an umbrella. When I got to the church, the rain had stopped. I went in and chose a place to set up. For several hours I was engaged in conversation so setting up was delayed until most of the other ladies were leaving. Marjorie advised me to suggest to Dad that he put his estate in a living trust so it won't have to go through probate. After she left, I got my machine set up and running. I put borders on my flag quilt, and ran out of bobbin thread. I was surprised how much 50 wt thread went on the bobbin. After I finished the borders, Pat and I put everything away and went home. On my way home, I stopped by the fish market for wild salmon. I ate a piece when I got home. I picked up more apples. I checked e-mail again and listened to an audio.  I called Dad, but he was at the fitness center.   I was listening to another audio when Chris came home. Chris brought in the mail. The e-laser arrived. It was just a laser pointer. Still, I decided to give it a shot. I lasered my finger joint, but it did not seem to make it less sore. We looked up the film Hugo and found it to be fairly historical. Then Chris gave me a massage with oil. He went back to e-mail, and I worked a new kind of puzzle called Bridges. It was so easy I flew through about 6 of them before slowing down. We went down to watch episodes of X-Files. During the watching, I finished the current puzzle and started a new one. At 11 we came upstairs. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to write this post.

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